Research and development
CEME works with independent Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), including The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), to bridge the gap between academia and industry.
For businesses that have achieved £5m or more annual turnover, we’ve agreed a referral programme with WMG at the University of Warwick. We refer the businesses to WMG, which is a leading international role model for successful collaboration between academia and business and which drives innovation in the science, technology and engineering sectors.
CEME is increasing this support through our work with Imperial College London, which ranks top in the UK overall – with a greater proportion of 4* world-leading research than any other UK university. We are also working with UCL – University College London, whose services include specialist commissioned research or advice, including data analytics, policy design, literature reviews, executive briefings, capacity development, as well as testing and analysis, and access to UCL’s world-class laboratory equipment and facilities.